
Grizzled Review

Warning!!! Full spoilers for the entirety of the game!!! The Quick Low Down Grizzled is a neat, versatile customizable card that rewards preplanning and game knowledge. It gives you a wild icon, plus 2 wild icons if the test is against a card whose trait you’ve chosen. That choice, and the upgrades, is where the…

TDE Scenario 3B – Point of No Return

Mark, Norman, Daisy and Joe delved into the Dreamlands to arrive at the Underworld. Randolph convinces us to delve more into the Underworld rather than going to help our friends immediately. I’m still suspicious of him, but we’ll see. Daisy upgrades into Segments of Onyx and a Ward(2), Mark in to Stick to the Plan,…

TDE Playthrough 3A: Dark Side of the Moon

Well, last time, our intrepid investigators – Gloria, Agnes, Zoe, and Mary – made a bet against the doom clock that didn’t turn out. They were, each and every one of them, kidnapped by Corsairs. We are in the Galley of a moon beast ship when our captain from Search for Kadath relieves our bonds,…

TDE Playthrough 2B – A Thousand Shapes of Horror

So, after we get out of the hospital, Randolph has the bright idea of getting into the Dreamlands in our physical bodies by way of a haunted house. Seems fine. On the way, Mark gets two handy flamethrowers, Joe a Higher Education, Ace of Swords, and upgrades a Strange Solution. Norman learns the Seal of…

TDE Playthrough 2A: The Search for Kadath

After their experience in the Enchanted Woods, the Black Cat finds our team the next morning, and we start looking for information on Kadath at a temple. They let us in but only tell us a little, and we’re off on our own to the port to find out on our own. While we “slept,”…

TDE Playthrough 1B: Waking Nightmare

While our mystical friends dream, we elected a crack team to watch them and study. Norman, the astronomer, and Daisy, the librarian. On the off chance weird shit goes down(which is admittedly unlikely), they have some bodyguards as extra help: Mark the veteran and Joe the PI. I don’t have a deckbuilding article for these…

TDE Playthrough 1A: Beyond the Gates of Sleep

So, we took on The Gates of Sleep! Our usual difficulty for blind plays is Standard numbers with Hard symbols, and boy those symbols were TOUGH(at times). We had a hard time this scenario in the middle. We assigned the team I’ve written about already to Dreaming since they are more mystical. From the dream…